Please see below for some important information regarding our amenities, rules and regulations, and tenant responsibilities.
Woodlands Clubhouse & Leasing Office
1720 Treetop Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Clubhouse: 434-245-9663
Fax: 434-296-9908
In case of an emergency, always dial 911.
If you have a maintenance emergency or after-hours maintenance request, please call our Emergency line at 434-972-1092 *Please do not submit emergency maintenance requests via email or on our website as emails are only monitored during business hours*
For routine home maintenance, please log into your tenant portal and submit your maintenance request directly from your portal.
I. Mail
Mail will be delivered to the mail station located on Treetop Drive near the end of the street. For those residents residing on Elmwood Court, you have a mailbox on the backside of the Elmwood Court parking lot. Packages will be delivered to the mail lockers located at the mail station or at your front door. We are unable to accept any mail at the clubhouse. If mail is received at the clubhouse, it will be returned to the sender. If you receive mail in your mailbox or at your front door that is not yours, please mark it RTS (return to sender) and drop it in the outgoing mailbox at the mail station. For larger packages that are mis-delivered, please call the carrier to have them picked up.
II. Clubhouse
The indoor clubhouse amenities are open 24/7 for Woodlands Residents. All outdoor amenities close at 11 pm.
- Guests: You MUST accompany your guests at all times when using the facilities (pool table, computer lab, gym, pool, etc.), or they will kindly be asked to leave.
- Pets: We are pet-friendly, but pets are not permitted in the clubhouse or pool area.
- Grills: You are free to use the grills we have provided for you located by the fire pit and at the volleyball court. Please make sure to clean after use and extinguish charcoals. You may not use grills on your patio or balcony. You also may not store propane tanks or other combustibles on your patio or inside your apartment.
III. Pool
The pool hours are 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. We have apartments that back up to the pool, so please be respectful and keep noise levels down.
- Glass is not permitted in the pool or pool area! A fine will be issued immediately if glass is seen.
- You are only allowed 2 guests per unit at the pool at one time. The pool is not large enough for each resident to bring as many guests as they wish.
- If you move furniture in the pool area (tables, lounge chairs), please put them back before leaving the pool.
IV. Pets
The Woodlands is a pet-friendly community; however, we do have policies regarding pets. All pets must be registered & approved by management with a signed pet addendum. You will need to provide rabies vaccination and flea prevention information. Proper deposits must be paid before your pets are brought onto the property. You will find pet stations all around the community for your convenience to assist you with picking up after your pets. Please note that pets are not allowed in the clubhouse, at the pool, or on the tennis & basketball courts. Pets must be on a leash and controlled at all times.
V. Trash
- Trash disposal is provided free of charge to tenants. All contents should be broken down and placed into the designated dumpster. We have two areas to dispose of trash. The main trash compactor is located on Birch Leaf Lane – just go past the mailboxes to the very end of the complex and turn left. The other dumpster is located in the lower half of the community and is accessed through the lower gates on Elmwood Court.
- Please note that to operate the trash compactor on Birch Leaf Lane, you will walk up the ramp on the right side of the compactor, open the compactor door and throw your trash into the trash chute. You will then need to close the compactor door and push the “green” button to compact the trash. If the green button does not work, make sure the compactor door is completely closed and also make sure the red emergency button is pulled out and not pushed in. If the 80% or 100% light is on, please contact management so we can have the compactor emptied. Do not put hazardous waste or large items (furniture, appliances, etc.) into the trash compactor. Also, do not leave trash or large items around the compactor as the service provider will not pick those items up. If you notice trash has been left outside the compactor or if you notice that the compactor is not working, please call management asap so that we can address the issue.
- If you need to dispose of large items, including furniture, please contact the Ivy Material Utilization Center at 4576 Dick Woods Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Phone: 434-295-3306
- Trash is not to be left on patios or balconies. If trash is found on your patio/balcony, you may be assessed a fine.
VI. Speed Limit
- Be advised that the speed limit within the community is 11 mph and is posted at the entrance to the community. Please slow down and watch for vehicles backing out of parking spaces and also watch for people getting out of their cars or walking their dogs. Tenants and children often cross Treetop Drive to get to the clubhouse and/or pool. Speeding will not be tolerated, and you will be fined. Please do not text and drive! Statistics show those individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. A crash typically happens within an average of three seconds after a driver is distracted.
VII. Gate: Times/Clickers/Key Fobs/Keys
- Your keys can be picked up at the clubhouse after 12 noon on move-in day. All keys must be picked up at the same time. One person may pick up all of the keys. You will be issued one apartment key, one mailbox key, and one key fob per tenant. If you would like additional keys, please let us know prior to moving in. There is a max of 2 sets of keys (for a 2 bedroom) and 3 sets of keys (for a 3 bedroom) that can be issued without a charge. Any additional apartment or mailbox keys are $5.00/each if we have them in stock or $25.00/each if we have to make copies of the keys. Additional key fobs are $65.00/each. If apartment and/or mail keys are lost or not turned in when your lease ends, you will be charged for the replacement cost of the lock(s) and key(s). Lost or damaged key fobs will result in a $65.00 charge per fob.
- After hours, the clubhouse can only be accessed with a gate clicker or key fob held up to the proximity reader located on the side of the front door.
- Please be aware that only one door handle opens the clubhouse doors. If the door does not open gently, please try the other handle. If doors are forced, they will break, and the responsible party will be charged for the repairs.
- To access the front main gate, press 1 on the gate clicker. Aim the gate clicker at the call box, not the gate. If you have a key fob, hold the key fob up to the proximity reader located at the call box.
- To access the lower gate, press 2 on the gate clicker. Aim the gate clicker at the call box, not the gate. If you have a key fob, hold the key fob up to the proximity reader located at the call box.
- To buzz yourself or a guest into the gate after hours, scroll through the callbox, find your name, and press call. Answer your phone and press and hold 9 to open the gate. The call should automatically disconnect. Alternatively, you or your guests can enter your personal 3 digit directory number into the callbox. Answer your phone and press 9 to open the gate. Your personal directory numbers will be provided at move-in.
VIII. Vehicle Entrance/Entrance Gates
- The entrance gates for vehicles are open during business hours and during special events. The times the gates are set to be open are noted below:
- Monday – Saturday 7:50 am – 5:10 pm
- Exit gate- please stop at the gate first before exiting – if it is open after the times noted above, assume it is about to close and wait for it to re-open. We are not responsible for damage to your vehicle caused by the gates.
IX. Utilities
- Please be reminded that residents leasing an unfurnished unit are responsible for their own water and electric. Please contact the electric company to switch the account to your name. If you live in the new section (Phase II), your water account will be set up in your name for you, and then the bill will be mailed to your new home. For Phase I, you will need to contact ACSA to set up your water. Utilities must be in your name the day your lease starts and must remain in your name for 5 business days after your lease ends. If the utilities are not in your name on the day your lease starts or are taken out of your name prior to 5 business days after your lease ends, you will be charged a $25 admin fee.
X. Comcast
If you haven’t already, please be sure to contact 1-800-Xfinity to arrange your cable and internet set up. You can also try to reach out to our community account rep, Adam Richards, at [email protected] or 434-996-1146.
XI. Move-in Inspection
You have 5 days to inspect your unit (from the day your lease starts and keys are picked up). Please turn in your inspection form within those 5 days and note any items you want to be reflected in your file or items that need to be repaired. Your move-in inspection form is provided in your move-in folder.